Why do people go on holiday by themselves?

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Okay so I get why they go to really interesting places like Kenya and stuff but why would they go to the Isle of Wight (which is in England btw) by themselves?

I have to do a section on this for my Travel and Tourism coursework and I have no idea.

Please don’t say all that rubbish about how the Island is all incest because it isn’t true. If you think it is then you’re a pretty crap person tbh. And also we have an awesome festival which we can keep to ourselves if you think we’re incested (is that even a word??)

Sorry for the rant. Any help would be gooooooooooood πŸ™‚ x
Thank you for helping mee πŸ™‚

For the first person who answered, I’m not going to be a travel agent lol and I’m not really rude, I was expecting a load of abuse because it seems that people really hate the Island but I don’t – I like it

So sorry if I came across rude – I was on the defense πŸ™‚

Thanks for all the help x



  1. They go on holiday by themselves for two main reasons: 1: They don't have anyone else to go with. 2: They go to actually MEET people.
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    Well there is only one answer. People go on holiday themselves because they have no one else to go on holiday with and feel that why should they forego a holiday because of that.

    Actually on reading your note further your quite a rude person. I wouldnt like you as my travel agent!

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    My Dad goes to the Isle of Wight once a year for a week just to have a bit of peace! He goes fishing and goes for walks and just chats to other holiday makers. I think it’s nice and he really enjoys himself.

    BTW I think the Isle of Wight is great! Me and my family used to go there camping every year when I was younger and we used to have a great time and I only live across the water in Portsmouth!!! My mum used to try to make us go to spain instead but we wanted to go to The Isle of Wight so we could meet up with friends we had made in previous years. Good times!

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    Because they have no partner and want to explore the isle by themselves?

    Interested in the culture?

    Maybe they are seeking a home there and are on a holiday to trial the isle haha tht rhymes

    Because its a small , remote place , peaceful , quiet , a short break for relaxation. If there british then its a holiday out of the country but not too far away.

    Is it cheap?

    I dont really know lol , just a few potential ideas there for you

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    some people don’t have an option to go with company on holidays, maybe they don’t have any friends that they wish to invite along with them or their holidays dint coincide with their friends or family, can be a number of reasons for it, but mainly the choice is made by the person in question as for why would they go to the Isle of White I have no idea, maybe they like the place maybe its all they can afford, yet again its all about personal choice,

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    Think about it….you go with others and someone says”What shall we do today?” The reply is often “I don’t mind”

    Go on your own and you make up your own mind where to go, what to do and when to do it.

    Seems to make sense to me!!

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    The isle of wight is a very clean place, people go away solo for the peace and quiet that solo holidays give them

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    I’d go on holiday by myself as I love my own company infact sometimes I prefer it to that of others. You cant be deceived or shouted at and you know yourself

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    Well I have recently split up with my partner, so why should I wait to get another partner before I travel?

    There are many reasons why I may visit somewhere on my own. And in fact, I am thinking of a week away on my own in the new year, because I don’t feel like being girly, or monitored by anyone. I just wanna do my own thing!

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    Id never do it but sometimes i get annoyed by people and just want to be alone. So maybe they just want to be alone and not deal with other people’s bs

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    well, for starters people go on vacation by themselves to get away from their spouses, to get away from the norm, or just get away. Id like to pick a spot and fly by myself out of the country to the least expensive but most extroadinary place i could find.

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    I’ve heard the Isle of Wight is really good, I’ve met a few people from there and who have been there.

    I suppose people think that it’s a safe place to go to by yourself, whereas Kenya and America are not.

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    Some times going abroad is not an option but the need for a holiday is. Going on your own you can meet new people and interact with them on a better basis than if you were with a group

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    Because travel companies cater for the masses, solo travellers want to control their own itinerary, a vacation is all about expanding your own knowledge of other people and cultures.

    For those who think itΒ΄s because we have no partners, yes, right, open your eyes.

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