why do people wear wellies to festivals even when its not raining? / its really hot?

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im going to isle of wight festival and i want to wear my pink hunter the whole time as most people wear wellies even when its scorching hot!
why do people actually do this?



  1. Well, I live on the isle of wight, and the 2012 festival started yesterday.... Looking at the news reports both on t.v and in the papers, the answer to your question is obvious. MUD MUD MUD & more MUD....plus they are quite comfy when you realise that all the roads are gridlocked due to the fields being to muddy, so it's quicker to walk for half an hour to get to Newport, than it is to sit in the car/bus for 3 hours!!! Hope you are enjoying yourselves!!!
  2. + -

    It’s become like a fashion thing to wear wellies even when it’s not raining. If there will be any horses or lots of dogs at the festival, then the wellies could keep your feet out of trouble, if you know what I mean. Ha!! : }

  3. + -

    They do this because surprisingly enough wellies are used because they don’t want to get their shoes all mucky and festivals are in mucky fields.

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