Your worldy advice is needed oh wise people of yahoo land!?

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Haayyy thur,
well me and two friends (all 16)
want to go to on holiday in the UK somewhere by the beach and with fun stuff do and a good night life 🙂 lol we’re coming from SE London
anddd it has to be kinda cheap, if you have no advice please give me your experiences!
(also if you can think of anything to help me convince my mum :D)
muchos love xox



  1. I'm not that wise but I live on the south coast. I used to live in SE London! The Isle of Wight can be reached from London Waterloo. If you cross from Lymington, the station is right on the pier. If you cross from Portsmouth, you can get a Fast Cat from Portsmouth harbour station. The Isle of Wight is geared up for people without transport. It has a superb bus and train system. There are dozens of attractions which are generally cheaper than the mainland. Alternatively, you can get to Bournemouth from London Waterloo. It has miles of beautiful sandy beaches that shelve gently into the sea. You can take boat trips or go up in a balloon. There is lots to do in the town. I'm no expert on the night life but it has a large student population...
  2. + -

    When I was a girl in S E London, we went to Brighton, Margate or Worthing.

  3. + -

    Has to be newquay, lots to do and has 8 Beach’s. There is a very good night life (i lived there for two summer seasons) but they are clamping down on underage people, which might put you off.

  4. + -

    Newquay. Gorgeous beaches, great night life.

  5. + -

    Get on the net for cheap accomodation in any seaside resort acroos the UK cos as long as you have the right group of friends youll have the best time in the grottiest of place . x Enjoy

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